Article 1: The “UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY” (called thereafter UPP) is a political party, self-dependant juridical person, constituted and registered in accordance with the Constitution of Republic of Bulgaria and the Law for Political Parties


Article 2: The establisher of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY prepared this Chart in accordance with the Law for Political Parties and made the decision for it to bear the name “UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY”


Article 3. (1) The seat of the United People’s Party is in Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia, and the address of the Headquarters of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY is: District (Region)“………………”, …… “……………”Str.

(2) UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY is not limited by term


Article 4. (1) The symbols  of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY are a badge, a banner and a seal.

(2) The badge of the UPP represent three stylized peoples, bodies in a bundle, united by a strap in a stylized frame.

(3) The banner has rectangular form in blue with the badge of the UPP in the center.

(4) The seal is round  with the badge in the middle and with the name “UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY”.


Article 5. The goals of the Party are:

(1) Economic growth;

1. Rule, which respects and supports the entrepreneur activities and the initiatives of people, who are aimed at personal success and increase the welfare of the nation

2. Ensuring of education, culture, system of taxation and  regional policy, which to support the development of the entrepreneurship, the ecological agriculture and the high technologies.

3. Transparent rule, which ensures freedom of competition, the respectability of the institutions and the superiority of law, solidarity  chance for success and development for every citizen.

4. Rule, which ensures  the opportunity for the citizens to live in a society where everyone becomes successful based on the talent he possesses, the knowledge he has acquired and the effort he has invested.

(2) Social solidarity

1. Rule that ensures social solidarity in a society founded on the assistance of the healthy to the sick, of the strong to the weak, of the young to the old.

2. Modern rule ensuring security and fairness for all members of the society to give priority to people’s health and to accept man as part of a coherent and clean ecologic environment.

3. Rule under participation of a broad circle of professionals and people with civic position in the society.

(3) National identity

1. Building of a free and modern state, where personal rights and those of the society are implemented in the practice, whereby the state does not hide itself behind the laws and does not pass the problems over to the next generation.

2. Give a guaranty for a distinct national identity of Bulgaria, and for personal right for freedom and happiness to the citizens here, where they were born.

3. Rule which to ensure all conditions to allow support to the Bulgarian families, to promote the physical, intellectual and the spiritual health of the nation, as well as its self-confidence.

Article 6. (1) UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY will achieve its goals by means and methods foreseen in the Constitution and in the laws of Republic Bulgaria, as well as through:

  1. shrift and implementation of the principles of a constitutional state;
  2. consolidating the effort and the interests of the citizens with initiative for work in all spheres of the free market
  3. transparent rule and ensuring the participation of the citizens possessing initiative in that rule.



Article 7. (1) UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY has the following governing and control bodies:

  1. Congress
  2. National Party Council
  3. Executive Council
  4. Control Council

(2) In the bodies of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY may participate its members only.

(3) The elective positions in UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY may be occupied for no more than two mandates in succession.


Article 8. (1) The Congress is the supreme body of the Party and is composed of delegates, members of the Party.

(2) The delegates participating in the Congress are elected following the a priory proposed by the Executive Council procedure, which is approved by the National Party Council.

(3) Each delegate to the Congress has the right to one vote.

(4) Delegates to the Congress by right are the party leader, the members of the National Party Council, the Executive Council and the Control Council

(5) The decisions of the Congress are obligatory for all Party members as well as for all of its other bodies.

Article 9. (1) A regular Congress is summoned every four years, but not later than two months before the mandates of the Party governing and control bodies expire.

(2) A regular Congress is summoned by a decision of the National Party Council following a proposal of the Executive Council.

(3) An extraordinary Congress may be summoned by the National Party Council, or by a demand from at least one third of the community structures, which demand has to be directed to the National Party Council. In this case the National Party Council defines the procedures for the calling.

(4) The calling of the Congress is done by an invitation, which should include the agenda, the date, the time and the place where the Congress will take place, as well as indication whether the Congress is an ordinary one and by whose initiative it is summoned.

(5) The invitation for the Congress is publicized in the State Newspaper, in one of the national daily newspapers and is placed on a visible place at the site having the address of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY at least one month before the date of the session.

(6) The Congress may not make decisions on issues, which are not included in the agenda.

Article 10. The proceedings of the Congress are valid and the Congress may proceed and make decisions if more of the half of all delegates are present. If the quorum is not at hand, the session is postponed by an hour at the same place and with the same agenda, and is legal independent from the number of delegates present.

Article 11. (1) The Congress has the following authority;

  1. elects and releases the party leader
  2. elects and releases the members of the Party Executive council
  3. elects and releases the members of the Control Council
  4. approves, makes supplements and changes to the Party Charter
  5. approves, makes supplements and changes to the Party Program
  6. approves the report of the National Party Council, of the Executive Council and of the Control Council
  7. makes decision for cessation, amalgamation, infusion, separation and dissolution of the Party

(2) The Congress makes its decisions with a majority more of the half of the delegates present. Regarding points 4 and point 7 the Congress makes a decision with a qualified majority of two thirds.

(3) The Congress makes decisions through open voting, except in the cases it decides otherwise.


Article 12. (1) The National Party Council (NPC) is a body of the Party between two Congresses.

(2) Members of the NPC are

  1. All chairmen of the community organizations, the regional chairmen and the members of the Executive Council;
  2. People’s representatives, deputies in the European Parliament, ministers, presidents of state agencies, mayors and chairmen of the community councils – members of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY.
  3. The chairman of the volunteers and the chairman of the permanent pre-election staff.


Article 13. (1) The National Party Council is summoned for regular sessions by the chairman six times a year at least. Extraordinary sessions may also be carried out, which a summoned according to chairman’s demand or by request of one third of its members.

(2) The sessions of the National Party Council are chaired and coordinated by the chairman or by one of his deputies, tasked by the chairman.

(3) The National Party Council will be summoned for a session by an invitation in writing, which is posted on a visible place at the site having the address of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY and/or by an invitation sent out through electronic way at least one week before the date of the session.

Article 14. (1) The National Party Council possesses the following authority:

  1. discusses and adopts policies identified as priority for the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY;
  2. approves the proposed by the Executive Council candidates for participation in the elections;
  3. makes decisions for summoning of a Congress and approves the agenda;
  4. adopts regulations regarding the election of delegates for the Congress at latest two months before the date of the Congress
  5. approves regulations for the work of the Party governing and the control bodies;
  6. approves regulations for the financial-administrative activities;
  7. approves the report of the Control Council;
  8. defines the size of the membership dues, the way it will be collected and paid for.

(2) The session of the National Party Council is legitimate if more than one half of its members are present. In the case of lack of quorum the session is postponed by an hour and is legitimate independent from the number of the present. The National Party Council makes decisions by a majority of more than the half of the members present.


Article 15. (1) The Executive Council consists of nine members, including the chairman and three deputy-chairman.

(2) The Chairman of the permanent pre-election staff and the Chairman of the volunteers participate in the sessions of the Executive Council without the right to vote.

Article 16. (1) The Leader of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY is a member and Chairman  of the Executive Council by right, and chairs and coordinates its activity. In his absence his functions are fulfilled by an authorized in writing by him deputy-chairman.

(2) The Executive Council elects  three deputy-chairmen amongst its members which are proposed by the Chairman. The deputy-chairmen support the Chairman in his function.

(3) The Executive Council is elected for a period of four years.

Article 17. In the case of cessation of membership of a member of the Executive Council, by a proposal by the Chairman in the period between two Congresses the National Party Council may elect new members of the Executive Council. The decision is made by a majority of two thirds of the members of the National Party Council present.

Article 18. The Executive Council is summoned by the Chairman and has its weekly sessions. The call may be done by telephone, fax or in another electronic way.

Article 19. (1) The Executive Council:

  1. accomplishes the political leadership of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY, based on the Congress decisions  and the National Party Council;
  2. endorses decisions regarding current political issues;
  3. makes proposals to the National Party Council for summoning a Congress and proposes a procedure for the nomination and election of candidates, which are then approved by the National Party Council;
  4. elects chairman of the volunteers and the chairman of the Permanent Pre-election Staff
  5. works out a project for the budget and financial report for the previous calendar yeas, for its fulfillment and proposes them for endorsement to the National Party Council;
  6. endorses  the report of the Control Council and proposes it to the National Party Council;
  7. endorses the decisions for setting up of bodies according to Article 19, point 3 of the Charter
  8. works out and proposes rules for the financial-administrative  activities;
  9. endorses decisions on all other issues, which are not included in the competency of another body of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY;

(2) The Executive Council may conduct its sessions if more of one half of its members are present. As present are regarded those members with whom a conference link may be established.

(3)The Executive Council may propose the setting up of expert advisory bodies, commissions and other subsidiary bodies, which to support Party’s activities.

(4) The proposals of the Executive Council for setting up of expert advisory bodies, commissions and other subsidiary bodies, as well as their members  are approved by the National Party Council.


Article 20. (1) The Leader of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY is elected through direct vote by the Congress for a period of four years.

(2) In case it is not possible for the Leader to perform his duties for more than six months, in case of cessation  of his membership or in the case of death, his functions are executed by a proposed by the Executive Council Deputy until the summoning of an extraordinary Congress.

Article 21. The Leader of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY is also a Chairman of the Executive Council and Chairman of the National Party Council;

Article 22. (1) The Leader of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY

  1. represents the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY;
  2. implements and coordinates the decisions of the Executive Council and of the National Party Council;
  3. proposes candidates for chairman of the Executive Council;
  4. presents the report for the activity of the Executive Council to the National Party Council and the Congress.


Article 23. (1) The Control Council is the Party control body;

(2) The Control Council consists of a chairman and four members, elected by the Congress for a period of four years;

(3) The Chairman of the Control Council participates in the sessions of the National Party Council without the right to vote.

Article 24. (1) The control Council has the following functions:

  1. monitors the adherence to the Charter of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY and the decisions of the Congress, the National Party Council and of the Executive Council
  2. monitors the respect to the rights and sticking to the obligations of the members of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY
  3. considers and makes a statement on internal party debates, complaints and violations
  4. endorses decisions regarding the release of members of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY;
  5. Prepares the annual report for its activity, which is then presented to the Executive Council and the National Party Council;
  6. Takes care of the financial discipline within the Party.


Article 25 (1) The Control Council may be in session if more than the half of its members are present. The call for the sessions of the Control Council may be done per telephone, fax or in another electronic way.

(2) The Control Council makes its decisions with a majority representing more than the half of its members.


Article 26. (1) In the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY the following permanently acting structures are created:

  1. Permanently acting pre-election staff, which is directed by the Chairman elected by the Executive Council.
  2. Volunteer structures directed by a Chairman elected by the Executive Council;



Article 27. (1) The local structures of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY are the local clubs and the community organizations;

(2) On the territory of each inhabited site a local club is founded with no less than ten Party members;

(3) The local club has its own assembly, it elects between themselves a chairman, whereby the mandate of the chairman is three years.

(4) In the cities with a regional division the local clubs are founded  in the corresponding regions, and they elect a regional chairman and a secretary.

Article 28. (1) The community organization consists of all local clubs on the territory of the community.

(2) The community organization elects in a general assembly a chairman. The mandate of the Chairman is three years.

(3)The community organization elects in a general assembly a secretary proposed by the Chairman. The mandate of the secretary is three years.

(4) The General Assembly of the community is called for a session by the Chairman, by one third of the members of the local clubs, or by the Executive Council.

(5) The sessions are called for by an invitation in writing, usually placed at the site where the meetings of the club take place, by telephone in an electronic or in another appropriate way one week before the date of the session.

(6) The sessions are legitimate when more than the half of the members of the community organization are present. In case there is no quorum the session is postponed by an hour and is legitimate no matter the number of the present.

(7) Decisions are made with a majority more than the half of the present members. Minutes are prepared for the meetings of the community organizations and they are signed by the Chairman.

Article 29. (1) The Chairman of the community organization supported by the secretary:

  1. coordinates the activities of the local clubs on the territory of the community;
  2. supports the implementation of the goals  and the policy of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY at a community level;
  3. assists in the organization and the conduct of the pre-election campaigns at the community level;
  4. Takes in requests for Party membership and for leaving the Party, and reflects those in the Party register;
  5. applies and implements the Congress decisions, those of the National Party Council, of the Executive Council for the execution of the Party policy;
  6. Keeps a register of the Party members of the corresponding local clubs.


Article 30. (1) Every being of age Bulgarian citizen, who is not deprived of election rights, is not a member of another Party, and who shares the virtues and the principles of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY may be a member of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY.

(2) The membership of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY is voluntarily.

(3) Volunteer may be every Bulgarian citizen of age who is not a member of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY


Article 31. (1) The membership in the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY is acquired after putting in place of an application to a chosen by the candidate local club and after the approval by the club. Presence of an approval is at  hand when within 15  days after the declaration of the application in a club meeting there are no objections in writing by members of the club.

(2) In case there are objections, the application will be a subject to voting at the next meeting of the local club, and the decision is made by common majority. In this case the membership is in force after the decision of the local club.

(3) In the case of refusal, the candidate may place an appeal with regard to the decision made to the Control Council within a period of one month after the announcement of the refusal.

(4) The decision of the Control Council does not liable to another appeal.

(5) The Chairman of the local club sends out an announcement for the new membership to the Chairman of the community organization, who on his part writes down the new member in the community Party Register.

(6) The founder of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY become Party member trough their participation in the Founding meeting (Congress)

Article 32. (1) The membership in the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY is a subject to cessation:

  1. Upon one’s own will trough an unilateral application, addressed to the Chairman of the local club or of the community organization, who writes down the cessation in the community Party Register
  2. in the case of death of the person or his placement under total restriction
  3. in the case of release – by a decision of the Control Council enforced because of deeds that harm the interests of the party or violate the Charter  or Party’s policy;
  4. in the case of dropping out because of non-payment of the membership fee for more than a year.



Article 33. (1) Each member of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY has the right:

  1. to elect and to be elected in the Party governing Bodies in compliance with this Charter;
  2. to speak his mind, to make proposals and to participate in the decision-making for the implementation of the policy  and the execution of the activities  of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY;
  3. To be informed about the activities of the local and central authorities of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY
  4. To participate personally when his party status and activity are being discussed;
  5. To terminate his membership on his own will.


Article 34. (1) The members of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY are obliged:

  1. To respect the Charter and to fulfill the decisions made by the bodies of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY;
  2. To participate in Party’s activities, in pre-election campaigns and to contribute to the realization of its principles and policy;
  3. to raise the prestige of the Party, not to act or be passive in contradiction to the Party’s principles and discredit it]
  4. To pay regularly their membership fee as fixed by the National Party Council.


Article 36. (1) Volunteers do not pay for membership fee and are not obliged to observe the Charter of the Party. They have the right upon their own will to participate in all activities, organized by the local Party organizations. The willing to register as Party volunteers solely fill in a personal questionnaire.


Article 36. The property of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY consists of the right to possess  property and of other material rights over real estate and movable property, money, securities, rights over intellectual property, as well as all other rights, which the jurisdiction allows to be elements of the party’s property and which may be used for party’s activities

Article 37. (1) The own income of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY is the income from:

  1. Party membership fee;
  2. Income from editorial activities, authors rights and others in compliance with the Law for the Political Parties;
  3. Own real estate;
  4. Donations and testaments from physical and juridical persons;
  5. Donations from juridical persons;
  6. Interests and other own sources;
  7. All allowed by the Law for the Press and Publishing incomes.

(2) The UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY uses state subsidies in accordance with the procedures and in the cases defined by law.

Article 38. (1) The financial- accounting control of the income and the expenditures of the Party is done according to the law and this Charter.

(2) A list of the persons, who are responsible for the income, expenditures and the accounting of the Party is presented to the chamber of accounts under the conditions of article 30 of the Law for the Political Parties.

Article 39 The UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY spends its property for the implementation of its policy according to Law and the procedure of this Charter and the decisions of the governing bodies.


Article 40. (1) The UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY will be disbanded by:

  1. wit a decision for self-dissolving
  2. decision for amalgamation, infusion or splitting into two or more parties;
  3. with resolution of the city court of Sofia following a demand from a public prosecutor.



Article 41. The Constituent Assembly (Congress) of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY is entitled to make all decisions which are in the competence of the Congress

For all issues which are not resolved by this Charter the jurisdiction of Republic Bulgaria will be applied.

This Charter was approved at the Constituent Assembly of the UNITED PEOPLE’S PARTY, which took place on the 16.02.2008 in Sofia